A little less administration, a little more distraction

Yes that should have been sang aloud to Elvis’ tune:

A Guide To LinkedIn Conversation Ads - Bind Media
I’ll be honest I thought he was eating a chocolate bar…kinda highlights whats on my mind

So initially, I started writing this piece in January and then I stopped…because frankly I stopped everything.

The last few months I feel closest to a slug…just keep on keeping on. It hasn’t been bad, it just hasn’t been that good.

Scrap that, despite my growing love for all things natural, I still have yet to find any respect for the slugs…I mean seriously what do they actually achieve? Some natural biologist is about to school me now…go right ahead friend. My loyalty is with the hedgehog-who blesses us in many ways including dining on the slithery creatures.

I instead have been more like a caterpillar in the chrysalis stage of life.

Monarch Caterpillar Becomes a Chrysalis | Downeast Thunder Farm
This one looks a lot fresher than me actually

I actually regressed I think. I was constantly reminding myself of basic hygiene and daily chores, I winced whenever I heard 30 day challenge or even the encouragement to take 2 mins everyday to… Who has that time? I mean isn’t everyone living under the duvet after 8pm watching MAFS Australia on their phone and praying their children stay asleep whilst scoffing any kind of sweet thing you have in the house-cooking chocolate, dried fruit and marshmallows totally included, essentially its a deconstructed rocky road right? No wonder my teeth are shot to pieces.

Just now wondering can the chrysalis time be seen as a regression? Is that what the caterpillars are doing? We have just got some caterpillars from Insect Lore, and seeing them go into their cocoons was actually a bit disturbing…bits fell off? I couldn’t work out if it was its head or its bum…both parts seem pretty vital to me!

Anyway, like the nation after lockdown is easing…I am reemerging less like a beautiful butterfly, more like a slightly dazed grub.

Slimy, yet Satisfying Lion King. Disney Hakuna, matata, lion, king, simba, pumba discover-slimy yet satisfying GIF
Not sure I’d even be first choice on the leaf

So what I meant to write is some suggestions I am going to do it now in the most succinct way possible….if you aer looking for recommendations here goes. I am going to rate them in two ways: 1) give them a 1 out of 5 grub rating, slimy yet satisfying and 2) I am going to give them a butterfly rating out of 5 too….this is to acknowledge a bit more of the skill and creativity involved. Here goes


Clover Stroud’s My Wild and sleepless nights, a mother’s story

Cartoon worm Clipart | k19468445 | Fotosearch
3 Grubs for this one-it includes some pretty raw details of motherhood
Butterfly Side Angle Art - YouTube
3.5 Butterflies- It is intense and brutally honest, a well crafted book. Also she had 5 (?!) children and I didn’t question her sanity…

Rohinton Mistry: A Fine Balance

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1 Grub, this an incredibly beautifully written book, but the story is not always an easy read. It is not a light headed sugar rush but more a poignant cup of tea.
Butterfly Side Angle Art - YouTube
4.5 Butterflies- This book is a work of art, a masterpiece even.

Sarah Bessey’s: Miracles and Other ordinary things

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2 Grubs-it wasn’t at all slimy but it was satisfying-SB writes books about her faith journey that I resonate with so much, she feels like home.
Butterfly Side Angle Art - YouTube
4 Butterflies-this woman is a kindred spirit for me, and a sanctuary to discuss doubt, faith and all in between.

The mum poet club Guide to Self Care (They have a new book out ‘songs of love and strength and a great insta account FYI)

Cartoon worm Clipart | k19468445 | Fotosearch
4 Grubs-As a mum this is satisfying! These are poems written by a range of mums. Glorious is how I’d describe this. The incredible Hollie McNish has guest edited one of their books, I would give her all the grubs and butterflies. It is also a community where you can join and submit your work.
Butterfly Side Angle Art - YouTube
3.5 Butterflies- like any collaboration, there are lots of styles covered in these guides. There is something for everyone, if you are looking to get more into poetry and are keen to see motherhood portrayed through this medium this is worth a look.

Books I am also reading/planning on reading: Anniki Sommerville’s ‘How to be a boss at ageing’ (love this-her insta stories bought my loyalty). Hollie McNish ‘Slug’ and Mothership Writers ‘Born in Lockdown’.


MAFS Australia

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4.5 Grubs, maybe it should be 5 Grubs-its so bad but its good. Slimy to the max but helpful to me in lockdown
Butterfly Side Angle Art - YouTube
0.5 Butterflies- I think it’s fair to say its not particularly taxing, and very set up show. But the sofa psychologist in me loves a reality show to take to task.

ROCKS (Netflix)

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2 Grubs. Something about a film about teen friendship and hardship makes me so nostalgic. I kind of modern girls ‘stand by me’ and yet so much more
Butterfly Side Angle Art - YouTube
4.5 Butterflies-Brilliantly made, hard hitting, the actors are so talented. Gets you questioning, crying and laughing.

Line of Duty Season 6

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4 Grubs-it is so satisfying, I love Ted Hastings, I love his lines-are they slightly overused…yes, do I think thats ok-yes! There are always some gory scenes in LoD but I hide behind a pillow and then watch it anyway.
Butterfly Side Angle Art - YouTube
4.5 Butterflies-I am a hardcore fan. I belong to the official fan page, and love the ridiculous amount of sleuthing that goes on social media after every episode. I am also enjoying watching one episode per week, builds momentum. Am I up for chatting about theories for hours on end-yes. Get in touch if you are too.

The Great Pottery Throwdown (Channel 4)

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2.5-Satisfying but the only slime was the clay at times. This show is so feel good, the contestants are so kind to each other. The judges cry when moved by stories and creations…and yes Hannah Walker, our lovely friend was in it-and she rocks.
Butterfly Side Angle Art - YouTube
4.5 Butterflies- These guys are talented!!! Honestly, you will enjoy it even if you don’t think you are into a pottery show. For some of the best reviews I have ever read, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND Ariadne reviews, you have to scroll back a bit for the throwdown…but it is worth it, this is it from the quarter finals:

My Octopus Teacher

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1 Grub-Yes, the Octopus is slimy-but she also walks on 2 legs,, when she fancies it…say what??!! This is fascinating but not lightweight fluff.
Butterfly Side Angle Art - YouTube
4. Butterflies-Stunning cinematography, mind blowing insight into a small part of aquatic life, that is both out of this world and yet familiar. Definitely a must see.

My Garden Made Perfect

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3 Grubs-Like everyone it seems I have got in to Gardening, well I am at least enjoying watching gardening shows. I loved this, and may very well apply to be on it. There are 2 types of garden renovations done each week, big and on a budget…both groups have more spare cash than us. But it is so interesting to see what is possible, and I love a bit of virtual reality presentations.
Butterfly Side Angle Art - YouTube
3 Butterflies- It is butterfly and bee friendly so we need to appreciate that, and it does share some gardening wisdom whilst offering the creative genius of garden designers. Its feel good and Yeo Valley Gardens, or garden HQ as its renamed is looking good!

There have been podcasts, radio shows and insta stories-but I am not going to lie, my commitment has been sporadic at best. But Kyron Hamilton‘s account on Instagram and his reels on being a teacher are pretty damn fantastic, for anyone who works in education in UK or just remembers school in the 90s fondly. Here is a compilation for your viewing pleasure

I am now off to do what everyone else is doing right now in the UK, buy some clothes that fit and are spring/summer wear…because its been a week of sunny days and black maternity leggings and cord dungaree dresses do not cut it, unless I want to look like a sweaty tomato when I have done precisely no activity. Someone told me late 90s fashion is coming back-as in wide trousers, and I for one love the sound of that, or is it going to be those parachute combats that had more tags and strings than you could count, which just got ragged at the bottom??


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